Louise Gradwohl

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“As soon as I walked in I fell in love,”  Louise Gradwohl, now a medical student at Michigan State University and the former Old Town Commercial Association director, explains.

As a 23 year old, Gradwohl didn’t expect to be a homeowner this early in her life. The Ingham County Land Bank, however, helped to make homeownership a reality for this young professional. 

“I never really thought I’d buy a house—especially at this age,” said Gradwohl. 

Some of her former board members at the Old Town Commercial Association suggested she look at houses in her current neighborhood and she called her realtor right away when she heard one of the homes she was interested in was owned by the Land Bank. 

“I was excited to find a home that is actually close to where some of my board members live and is within the community I work in and love,” said Gradwohl. 

As for the advantages of choosing a Land Bank house, Louise laughs as she explains, “I’m a single person, to be able to renovate an entire house would not have been possible for me, so I’m elated that I was able to move in to a Land Bank home.” 

Reporting an issue

Does a Land Bank property in your neighborhood have an issue we need to know about such as a downed tree or sidewalk that needs shoveling? Report the problem on our contact form or call one of our Land Bank team members at 517-267-5221.

Contact us today

Ingham County Land Bank 3024 Turner Street Lansing, Michigan 48906 517.267.5221 email: info@inghamlandbank.org