Board of Directors

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The Ingham County Land Bank is governed by a five-member Board of Directors. The Ingham County Treasurer serves as an ex officio Chairperson of the Board of Directors. Four other directors are appointed by the Ingham County Board of Commissioners at large. One of these directors is appointed to represent the interest of the City of Lansing, and one is be appointed to represent the interest of the other units of local government in Ingham County. 

All appointments are for a term of four years.  A director may not be appointed to or serve more than two (2) consecutive terms of office.

The Board of Directors has general charge of the affairs, property and assets of the Land Bank. It is the Board of Directors responsibility to actively pursue its mission and determine its policies.

Members of the Board of Directors receive no compensation for service as a member of the Board, but are entitled to be reimbursed by the Land Bank for actual and necessary expenses incurred in connection with performance of official functions of the Land Bank, subject to available appropriations.

Alan Fox

Mark Grebner

Ryan Sebolt

Thomas Morgan

Rawley Van Fossen

Governing Documents

Intergovernmental Agreement


Articles of Incorporation

Priorities, Policies, and Procedures

Reporting an issue

Does a Land Bank property in your neighborhood have an issue we need to know about such as a downed tree or sidewalk that needs shoveling? Report the problem on our contact form or call one of our Land Bank team members at 517-267-5221.

Contact us today

Ingham County Land Bank 3024 Turner Street Lansing, Michigan 48906 517.267.5221 email: